Gathering the Bride of Christ, for prayer, worship, and teaching.

Unveil Your Divine Calling and Step into Your God-Given Destiny

Join us this October 2024 for an unforgettable experience at “Gather the Bride 2024″. This transformative gathering, organized by Surrendered Hearts Collective and Golden Gate Ministries, in collaboration with Warrior House Ministries, is designed to empower and equip believers to embrace their identity as the bride of Christ. With dynamic speakers, powerful worship, and deep fellowship, this conference will be a stepping stone for your spiritual growth and renewal.

Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.
Revelation 19:7

Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew you intimately. I had divine plans for you before I gave you life, and I set you apart and chose you to be mine. You are my prophetic gift to the nations.
Jeremiah1:5 TPT

Transformative Teachings

Immerse yourself in profound teachings from our esteemed speakers, Dr. Alexandria Crumble-Owolabi, Nameetha Janardhan, and John Martin, as they guide you deeper into understanding your divine calling.

Community & Fellowship

Connect with like-minded believers who share your passion for Jesus and desire to grow in their faith. Build lasting relationships and support each other in your spiritual journey.

Powerful Worship

Experience the presence of God through passionate worship sessions led by Dr.Alexandria Crumble-Owolabi designed to bring you closer to Jesus and ignite your spirit.

Life-Changing Encounters

Expect to be transformed as you encounter God in new and powerful ways. Let this conference be the turning point in your spiritual walk.

Picture of Dr.Alexandria Crumble-Owolabi

Dr.Alexandria Crumble-Owolabi

Alexandria from Surrendered Hearts has been nurturing worship leaders and prophetic ministers to embrace the destiny God has set for them with pure hearts. As a devoted leader and mentor, she inspires believers to use their God-given talents to glorify Him. The Surrendered Hearts Collective, under her guidance, brings together a community of leaders dedicated to helping others discover and share their unique gifts with the world. Alexandria's sessions will ignite a passion for worship and prophetic ministry, encouraging attendees to pursue their divine callings with renewed purpose and dedication.

Picture of Nameetha Janardhan

Nameetha Janardhan

Nameetha from Golden Gate Ministries has been imparting the word of the Lord to a unique blend of cultures and people who love life with God. As an inspirational leader and teacher with a passion for empowering believers, her deep insights into the Bride of Christ will be a highlight of the 'Gather the Bride' conference. Nameetha's teachings are known for their profound depth and practical application, guiding attendees to a closer and more intimate walk with Jesus. Her sessions promise to be transformative, equipping you to embrace your divine identity and purpose with renewed fervor.

Picture of John & Linda Martin

John & Linda Martin

John & Linda Martin from Warrior House Ministries have been leading an apostolic ministry dedicated to serving, empowering, and unifying the body of Christ. Their mission is to contend for the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Warrior House Ministries acts as a bridge, fostering unity and empowering believers to manifest the Kingdom of God as one family. Their sessions at the 'Gather the Bride' conference will focus on the power of unity and the importance of working together to bring God's Kingdom into reality, encouraging attendees to embrace their roles within the body of Christ.

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2 Days, 4 Sessions

Day 1 : Evening

Encountering Jesus through Worship

Immerse yourself in deep encounters with the Lord through prayer, worship, and prophetic activations

Day 2 : Morning

Embracing Your Identity

Deep dive into the biblical foundation of the Bride of Christ. An interactive session of personal reflections to understand and embrace your divine identity.

Day 2 : Afternoon

Walking in Authority

Learn practical steps to walk in your divine authority and fulfill your calling. Q&A session with our speakers, Alexandria, Nameetha, and John, focusing on spiritual empowerment and practical applications.

Day 2 : Evening

Stepping into Glory

Understanding and embracing the concept of governmental glory and the authority it grants. Practical applications of walking in this new found glory, with a session by Nameetha on effective prayer, declarations, and spiritual warfare.

11 & 12


Day 1
6pm EST
Short break of 30mins as time permitting

Day 2
9am | 1:30pm | 6pm EST
Continental Breakfast, Lunch, and Snacks included 

River Valley Church
West Milton, Ohio

Register Now

Don’t miss out on this
life-changing event!

Join us for a transformative weekend that will equip, inspire, and empower you.


Payment options presented after registration.

Location Information

Flights & Distance

Dayton International Airport [DAY] is the closest airport however because it is a smaller airport, flights tend to be more costly.  John Glenn Columbus International Airport [CMH] is another airport that is about an hour and 15 minutes away from the location.

Google Maps in the When & Where section can help with driving directions & distances.

Lodging & Hotels

If you are coming with a group you can look into Airbnb’s in the area. Hotels in the Tipp City area or Englewood area are around 10 minutes to the church. 

Child Care

There is child care for ages 2 – 12 during the conference. Please check at the help desk for further assistance. Please ensure to meet the caretaker before attending the conference.


River Valley Church has all modern amenities. Multiple dining areas, lobby, coffee & snack station, kids area, parking and close proximity to diners and eat outs.

Can't Attend in Person?

Join Us Online!

Even if you can’t make it to the conference, you don’t have to miss out on the powerful teachings and spiritual insights. Enroll in our “Unveiling the Bride” pre-recorded course, led by Nameetha Janardhan and Alexandria Crumble. Dive deep into the same transformative content at your own pace, and embrace your divine calling from wherever you are.